Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Recap: Acts 1-3

Dear Macbeth,

You're starring in my cartoon made on Toontastic!
Watch the video for a recap of Acts 1 through 3.

In case you didn't catch all that, here is a short summary for each scene in Acts 1-3.

The play Macbeth takes place in Scotland while it is at war with both Ireland and Norway.

Act 1 Scene 1: Three witches, who have the ability to predict the future meet up to discuss their devious plans concerning Macbeth, the Scottish thane of Glamis.

Act 1 Scene 2: A wounded sergeant brings the news of Scotland's victory to King Duncan. The king decides to promote Macbeth because he slew the leader of the invading army. Since the thane of Cawdor was discovered to be a traitor in the war against Norway, Macbeth was to take his ranking. The thane of Ross is sent to deliver the good news.

Act 1 Scene 3: On their way back from the battle, Macbeth and Banquo encounter the three witches who give them prophecies.

Act 1 Scene 4: King Duncan names his son Malcolm his heir and decides to spend the night at Macbeth's castle.

Act 1 Scene 5: Lady Macbeth reads a letter about her husband's encounter with the witches through and formulates a plan to murder King Duncan.

Act 1 Scenes 6: The king and his men arrive at Macbeth's castle and are welcomed by Lady Macbeth.

Act 1 Scene 7: Recounts the moral struggles Macbeth deals with as he tries to come to terms with murder. In the end Lady Macbeth manages to get him to agree to her plan by challenging his manhood.

Act 2 Scene 1: Macbeth meets Banquo and Fleance in the halls. He hallucinates of a dagger as he prepares to kill the king.

Act 2 Scene 2: Lady Macbeth and her husband commit the murder.

Act 2 Scene 3: Macduff and Lennox arrive at the castle to discover the king is dead! Malcolm and Donalbain, the king’s sons, flee the country in fear of their own lives. They are blamed for their father's death.

Act 2 Scene 4: Ross discusses the events that have just transpired with an old man. A suspicious Macduff returns home as Macbeth leaves for Scone for his coronation.

Act 3 Scene 1: Banquo muses on the recent happenings. Macbeth grows increasingly paranoid of Banquo and hires two murderers to kill him.

Act 3 Scene 2: Macbeth talks to his distraught wife about Banquo.

Act 3 Scene 3: A third murderer joins the other two and ambush Banquo and his son, Fleance. Banquo is killed but Fleance manages to escape.

Act 3 Scene 4: Macbeth receives news of Banquo's death in the midst of his feast. A guilty conscience causes Macbeth to hallucinate of Banquo's ghost in front of all of his guests. Lady Macbeth tells everyone to leave.

Act 3 Scene 5: The witches have a quick meeting with the goddess of witch craft, Hecate. Their meeting promises more mischief for Macbeth.

Act 3 Scene 6: Lennox and Macduff both grow increasingly suspicious. Macduff leaves for England to convince Malcolm to take back his throne. After hearing of this news, Macbeth begins preparing for battle. He plans to pay the witches another visit.

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